Location: Winescape Winery (6011 E. 32nd Ave)
Social: 5 – 5:30pm
Meeting: 5:30 – 7pm
Dinner menu: Taco Bar
No host bar: wine and beer
There will be a handful of super cool raffle baskets available to win! So come prepared (cash or check only) to purchase your raffle tickets and join in the fun! Proceeds help support the Past President’s Scholarship fund.
1 tix = $5
3 tix = $10
Arm length = $20
Past President’s Scholarship
The EWI Past President’s Scholarship for LCAM 2023 will also be announced at the chapter meeting so make sure to have your cameras ready when we celebrate and honor this year’s amazing recipient!
Members have a standing reservation for all chapter meetings and must notify the Sergeant-at-Arms of any planned absence the Wednesday before the Chapter meeting by noon. Please email the Sergeant-at-Arms at ewireservations@gmail.com