You could be just six questions away from attending LCAM 2022 in Corpus Christi, TX, courtesy of our past presidents’ scholarship fund!
Are you interested in professional development and continuing your EWI career? Have you been active in EWI through leading and/or serving on a committee? If so, the Past Presidents’ Scholarship to the Leadership Conference and Annual Meeting (LCAM) is an opportunity you won’t want to miss out on.
What is LCAM? LCAM is an annual professional development conference where Chapter representatives throughout the nation and Canada, gather to connect, network, and grow professionally through dynamic keynote speakers, workshops, seminars, and group discussions. Additionally, there are social gatherings, a corporate Reading Rally Event, and recognition of outstanding Chapters and member firms. During LCAM, Chapter delegates also conduct the business of the organization during our annual meeting.
The scholarship to the Annual Conference in Corpus Christie, TX, from September 15-17, 2022, will cover conference registration for the Annual Meeting and Academy of Leadership, plus lodging, and round trip airfare. The scholarship is offered to encourage growth of future EWI leaders, who have not had an opportunity to attend a past annual meeting.
We want to develop new leaders for our Chapter and encourage you to apply! The award recipient will be announced at the July 19th Chapter meeting.
Complete the easy one page application and e-mail the document to