Greetings EWI Friends ~
What a wonderful zoom meeting and scavenger hunt this past month – thank you to our programs committee! It was joy to see all of your beautiful smiles and laughter filling the screen!
Love the space you’re in… it will inspire you and uplift you! As I have regularly worked from home over the last six months, I think more about this. Do I love the workspace I’ve attempted to create? I DO love parts of it! Thinking about how much time many of us are spending working from home in a space that is familiar, yet, often times, unfamiliar for the task at hand. I thought some inspiration to helping you create a space you LOVE to work in would be timely.
Nancy Croyle, Principal & Designer, with Design Source has some insight for all of us as we consider transforming our homes into a haven we can love. She recommends creating a balance of inspiration and tranquility as motivation is more successful when balanced with quiet reflection. This was her goal as she designed her home office with a neutral backdrop accented with personal items. Her office is an eclectic composition of things she loves! Family vacation photos, note cards from friends, favorite books, historic preservation posters, mid-century and family heirloom furnishings, and a view to a beautiful garden. All of these items together help keep her focused and remind her of the bigger picture in life.
What is really special is the focal point of her home office. It is an artwork collage that she created based on her uncle’s philosophy of life and mantra: “ENJOY EVERYDAY ON PURPOSE”. These four simple words provide her the daily goal of keeping consistently focused on how each day should be approached (especially now during the challenging times we’re facing). Thank you, Nancy, for sharing a glimpse of your home office and inspiring each of us to create a space we can love to be in!
As your board prepares for our August business meeting, we’re planning a twist to the breakouts we did in June to kick off our social time and engage together. Looking forward to seeing all of you!
Sending much love ~