Letter from the President – February 2021

February is the month of love! Plato classified the love of friends and equals as Philia, and that describes our chapter so beautifully. Many start their EWI journey for strictly business reasons, and they stay in EWI because of the close relationships that they form. I, for one, am so grateful for the experience I’ve gained through EWI, but even more grateful for the people I have met. This is truly a special organization. For our newer member reps, we can’t wait to meet you in person so we can get to know you better and build the relationships that make this organization so strong. To all of our member reps, thank you for making EWI special and for your grace as we continue to navigate through this year.

Now is a perfect time to thank a fabulous team of volunteers who are doing great work in a challenging year. For those of you who have volunteered with EWI or other organizations, you understand the time and energy it takes to volunteer, serve on a board, or lead a committee. The work includes organizing meetings, cultivating new ideas, following-up, and keeping volunteers engaged. Add social distancing and technology challenges to the mix, and you know it takes more creativity, energy, and patience than ever before. I am so grateful for all of our volunteers. You are succeeding in bringing great programming, new members, excellent communication, creating new opportunities for us to support the community, helping us stay true to our procedures, and of course, fundraising so that we can accomplish our goals. You all are amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Happy February!

With gratitude and love,
