by Erin McGann, Providence
EWI of Spokane Chapter President
I don’t know about most of you, but lately, I find myself more often than not saying, “I can’t believe it’s June already! Where has the first half of this year gone?” In conversations, it feels like we are all being pulled in so many directions. Between our personal and professional lives, we’ve had our head down (maybe to avoid all of the rain this spring), relentlessly pushing forward just to keep up. I know I have.
But when I take a minute to step back and really reflect on the past few months, I become overwhelmingly proud of this organization and all that we have collectively accomplished thus far: A welcoming spirit as we broadened the flexibility and diversity of our membership categories. Tens of thousands of scholarships distributed to help young scholars endeavor to make the world better. Pushing ourselves to proactively create support for new funding to ensure we are meeting kids where they are in their non-traditional educational spaces. Hitting record numbers in our spring flower basket sales. An amazing program line-up with some of the area’s best leaders (including the mayor!) as they look to educate and inspire. And it is because of you, your advocacy, and the backing of your member firms, that allow us to continue welcoming a solid stream of new inquiries and membership applications.
So now that I have shocked you with the realization that yes indeed, half of the year is over, but look at all the cool things we’ve accomplished, let’s continue this momentum into the remainder of 2022!
In June, I encourage you to take advantage of amazing professional growth opportunities, including a chance to win the Past President’s scholarship to the National Leadership Conference (LCAM) in Corpus Christi, TX, this fall. It’s a wonderful multi-day experience where you’ll be exposed to the larger EWI community and strengthen your leadership skills. The experience is transformational, so keep an eye out for the application.
For those looking to sharpen your skills at the local level, there is no better way than to jump into Board service. Soon we will ask for nominations (and self-nominations) for those interested in being an active member of the 2022-2023 Board. The future is strong, and with Amanda Landreth, your current EWI President-Elect, ready to take the helm and move us into our next chapter, there is no better time than now to seize this opportunity. Reach out to me, Amanda, or any of the Board members to better understand the Board’s roles and expectations.
And while’s it’s not everyone’s favorite subject, this month also kicks off budget planning. As our financial team begins important discussions, I assure you that we will approach the budget, as we have always done, with conservative fiscal responsibility that we believe to be in the best interests of our member firms, their representatives, and the organization as a whole. As you can imagine, our biggest conversations will center around responding to the rising costs to do business. I’m sure you have all felt it in your businesses also. There is no easy solution, and without sugar coating it, there is a chance we may have to make slight cost increases. But until those full conversations are had, I promise the process will be done thoughtfully and with transparency.
June also kicks off a busy season of great ways to engage in our Philanthropic efforts, starting with the Boys & Girls Club’s Live Mas Golf & Gala on June 20th. That is just the beginning, as the rest of the year includes the highly anticipated Reading Rally, as well as a super cool virtual baby shower in support of Community Minded Enterprises. As one of the cornerstones of EWI of Spokane, lean into carving out time in your schedule to support our community.
I hope by the time you read this Connect, the sun has finally come to stay for a while and you can look forward to enjoying the spirit of summertime with your family, friends and EWI favorites. See you at our upcoming meeting!