Letter from the President – November 2020

Hello Friends,

Did anyone else’s mood soar while Dr. Aaron McMurray addressed our scholarship winners last month? He exuded positivity and it was contagious. I’m so grateful we have people like him in our world to bring hope and enthusiasm. Personally, I tend to fall on the pragmatic spectrum and I have to actively work on positivity. This year it seems especially challenging to be optimistic with the pandemic and with election fever all around. To meet our Connect deadline, I am writing this before Election Day. The way things stand, it will not surprise me (always the pragmatist) if we don’t have a decision on election night or even by the time the Connect is published.

When we have a decision, statistically speaking, half of our EWI group will be elated and half will be likely be very frustrated. Even in our own families and circles we have very polarized views. Some close friends of mine have a very different political ideology than me. If I didn’t know them, I might stereotype them as “those guys.”  But, I do know them and love them because they are great people: honorable, kind, caring, successful, and independent. Even within my own family where we discuss common values over our shared dinner table – we are cancelling out each other’s votes.  The reason I’m writing about this is to remind myself, and perhaps others, that no matter who wins (or has won) there will be a lot of emotion. Yet, each side is made up of good people with good hearts – despite what the partisan messaging has been saying.

Even after the winner is declared, the fervor of R. vs. D. is likely to continue. Let’s do our part to try look past the heady emotion of the moment and remind ourselves that we are more alike than we are different. We need to search hard for common ground, not highlight the differences. If you see a political post that either gets your blood boiling, or you think it proves your point about the “other guy,” try to move on without comment. The more salacious the post, the more likely that it probably isn’t accurate. Let’s remind ourselves that our Chapter, our city, and our nation are all filled with good people. Share things that will make people feel better: positive things, stories that will soften angry or despairing hearts, stories that will uplift. It will take all of us to help heal our nation. Be a Dr. Aaron – boost people’s positivity. We all will benefit.

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I’m so glad our circles are intertwined. We are in this together.

