by Amanda Landreth, STCU
EWI of Spokane Chapter President
As we step into the month of September, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the privilege of serving as the EWI of Spokane Chapter President over the past year. It has been a remarkable journey filled with profound lessons, personal growth, and the invaluable bonds that make our EWI community so extraordinary.
From the very beginning of my time as President, I encouraged you to reflect on your EWI “why.” Why did you join EWI in the first place? Was it to build those vital community connections, to embark on a journey of professional development by serving on the board, becoming a mentor, or leading a committee? This “why” is the foundation of our shared purpose.
My hope for this past year—and for the years to come—has been to nurture an environment that is not just welcoming and safe, but also one that flourishes. An environment that excites and inspires each member, where involvement energizes and fills your bucket at the end of the day. I hope for you to give your all and then some, because you believe in the power of what we do together.
Let us continue to invest in our community, giving back through philanthropy and scholarships. Through these acts, we not only ignite and deepen our individual passions—the “whys” that drive us—but also make tangible progress toward our goal of growing our Chapter. We impact those around us—our community, our fellow EWI members, and the organizations we represent.
Looking back, I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve as your President, and I am humbled by the dedication and commitment I have witnessed from each of you. Your involvement and unwavering support have made this year truly exceptional.
As my term as President comes to a close, I leave with a heart full of gratitude and optimism for the future of our EWI of Spokane Chapter. I know that the next chapter in our journey will be even more remarkable, filled with opportunities for growth, connection, and the fulfillment of your individual “whys.”
Thank you for being part of this extraordinary journey. Here’s to the future and the limitless possibilities it holds for EWI of Spokane and its members.