Join the Chapter Champion’s Challenge by recommending someone in one of the following cities for an EWI membership. Who do you know or does your company have a branch office in any of these towns?
Western WA; Pomona Valley or San Diego, CA; Phoenix or Tucson, AZ; Denver, CO; Omaha, NE; Wichita, KS; Kansas City, MO: Dallas, San Antonio, Houston or Corpus Christi, TX; Des Moines, IA: Milwaukee, WI; Detroit- MI; Columbus, OH; Kentuckianna, KY/IN; Nashville, Knoxville, or Chattanooga, TN; Jackson or New Orleans, LA; Birmingham or Mobile, AL; Charlotte, NC; Richmond, VA: Washington, DC; Harrisburg or Lehigh Valley, PA; Honolulu, HI; Calgary, AL or Saskatoon, SK?
Recommend them to the Corporate office for membership in EWI. Someone from the chapter in these cities will reach out to them. Not only will our Chapter receive scholarship money from Corporate, but another chapter will gain a new member. Plus, you personally will earn more points in the EWI of Spokane Chapter Membership Drive.