President’s Guest Message from Past President/Board Advisor Hailey Landrus

March 2020 was one of the most difficult, most challenging months our chapter’s individual representatives, our member firms, not to mention our cities, counties, states, country, and world has experienced. Some of us have dealt with sudden loss, rapid change, layoffs or furloughs, different working environments, and/or working on the frontlines of the pandemic battle in addition to other struggles that crop up in life. When you feel like you’re on shaky ground and you’re tempted to fear, worry, get angry, be anxious or irritable, etc., remember:


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EWI Shirt Order

If you would like to order a “EWI – we love to share our time” shirt, please contact Sarae Boyer, Philanthropy Committee Chair

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Where Are You Connected?

Join the Chapter Champion’s Challenge by recommending someone in one of the following cities for an EWI membership. Who do you know or does your company have a branch office in any of these towns?

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Letter from the President – March 2020

STAY CURIOUS! I’ve heard this recently and thought – I LOVE IT! It’s so perfect when we talk so much about being continual learners, enjoying professional development, understanding data, watching a YouTube video to better understand a topic, etc. What does it mean to you when you hear “Stay Curious?”

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Treasurer’s Corner

EWI Corporate invoices you annually for local and corporate dues. Please send your dues to the address on their invoice.

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Letter from the President – January 2020

Happy New Year!

Huge shout out to Steam Plant and Annette Long for a wonderful EWI holiday celebration, it was perfect. Congratulations to our winners of the Trivia and sweater content – the ugly/Christmas sweaters were amazing and inspiring! Much appreciation to all of you for your love and generosity for this year’s ASIST winner and family. What you did to provide for them was heartwarming.

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Letter from the President – December 2019

It’s easy to get caught up in the celebrations, finding the perfect gift, baking cookies, visiting family, traveling… the list goes on.  How are you spending your 24 hours – that’s 1,440 minutes – you have in each day?

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Letter from the President – November 2019

Many thanks to Beacon Hill for hosting our meeting last month and to Katie for leading us through our speed networking – so fun to get to know each other even more. The energy and enthusiasm in the room was contagious!

As we enjoy this season of giving, and being grateful and thankful, I have much love and appreciation for all of you!

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Letter from the President – October 2019 Connect

It is with much appreciation for our friends at Spokane Convention Center that I share a huge shout out for our incredible September installation meeting on their gorgeous roof deck, where the clock tower so beautifully stood behind us; the lunch was perfect and the company even better.

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EWI of Spokane Annual Magazine

We are requesting our Member Firms inform us with their advertising intentions and preferences as soon as possible in the upcoming EWI of Spokane Annual Magazine

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Free Event Opportunity

Member Firm Spark Mindset Coaching is presenting Boss Mom Balance, a Networking / Movie Screening / Panel discussion event on September 17.

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Tree Planting Event

Please join the Inland Northwest Land Conservancy and their partners in active stewardship activities at Waikiki Springs on October 5, 2019.

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Volunteer Opportunity

The Philanthropy Committee is looking for volunteers to help Inland Northwest Land Conservancy at their Dinner/Auction “APPETITE FOR CONSERVATION.”

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Letter from the President – September 2019 Connect

As my tenure as Chapter President wraps up, I had planned to write my last President’s message about “finishing well.”  But then I came across this passage by C.S. Lewis that emphasizes the importance of each and every decision we make along the way:

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Letter from the President – August 2019 Connect

In what are you anchored?  Many times, recently, I’ve asked this question about myself and about others whom I have observed in a variety of different settings: work, work dinners, art classes, the mall, the park, on the news.  What I mean is – what core values drive your thoughts, attitudes, words, behaviors, actions, and reactions?  Can you identify the core values reflected by your thoughts, attitudes, words, behaviors, actions, and reactions; and are these the core values you want to reflect? 

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