Letter from the President – May 2023

As we approach our May chapter meeting, I am excited to celebrate our upcoming scholarship celebration! This is a time for us to come together and recognize the hard work and dedication of our scholarship recipients. These young scholars are the future leaders of our community, and we are proud to support their education and career goals.

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Letter from the President – April 2023

An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow. On April 17, 1979, EWI of Spokane became the 73rd chapter to charter with Executive Women International, a national organization already built on decades upon decades of firms and member representatives dedicated to leadership development and community impact.

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Letter from the President – February 2023

Thank you to Jene Ray, Northeast Community Center for hosting our January Chapter meeting. It was a wonderful meeting and reminded me just how important the mission of EWI is. Promoting member firms, enhancing personal and professional development, and encouraging community involvement.

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Letter from the President – January 2023

The past year was full of ups, downs, and sideways. I often find stepping into a new year brings a breath of fresh air. As I reflect on 2022, I found myself smiling, thinking of all that our Chapter has accomplished and given back to our community. The past year was filled with wonderful events, meetings, and real connections made.

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Letter from the President – December 2022

As our November guest speaker Larry Krauter taught us, I’ve taken on a new meaning of the term bleasure: business, and leisure. The idea of mixing business trips and events with leisure sounds like something we all need more of, especially as we enjoy the holidays this season with family and friends.

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Letter from the President – November 2022

I’m not sure about you, but the last meeting had me energized right from the beginning, with a wonderful inspiration by Elizabeth Arnold from Avista. She spoke so eloquently about perseverance and the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.

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Letter from the President – October 2022

If I’ve learned one thing over the past few years, it’s this: when life slows down, I feel a greater pull to fill my time with priorities that genuinely mean something to me. Am I spending time and energy on emotionally draining things or restoring my zest and compassion for life?

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Letter from the President – September 2022

It feels surreal to me that this is my final President’s Message. I started to re-read my earlier letters, and what emerged was a common denominator. The natural guess would be EWI – what business we were attending to, important reminders, organizational necessities, and other timely updates. Everything that you would expect. And you would be right.

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Letter from the President – August 2022

I’ve just returned home from an impromptu 24-hour visit to Seattle. It was a blur of a day with my husband’s family, but a rare visit by two nephews gave us (nearly 25 of us) an informal reason to come together and spend time. 

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Letter from the President – July 2022

While unusually wet and rainy this year in the Inland NW, during the 4th of July holiday weekend, people across America gathered to eat, drink, laugh, celebrate and enjoy their freedom; unselfishly provided to us by a countless number of brave souls, past and present. As I sat down to write this article, my memories drifted to the friends and family that have served this country gallantly, including both of my grandfathers, my father-in-law, my brother-in-law, and my own father. I thought about the word “freedom” – what it means to me, to my family and to this community.

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Thank you to representatives that invited prospective members to attend the recent Arrive@5 event

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Letter from the President – June 2022

I don’t know about most of you, but lately, I find myself more often than not saying, “I can’t believe it’s June already! Where has the first half of this year gone?” In conversations, it feels like we are all being pulled in so many directions. Between our personal and professional lives, we’ve had our head down (maybe to avoid all of the rain this spring), relentlessly pushing forward just to keep up. I know I have.

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Letter from the President – May 2022

May is a special month. For Spokane, a sense of normalcy covered the town as Bloomsday returned in-person, renewing nostalgic feelings of community. In the days following, we celebrated teachers for the profound impact they have had on young lives.

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Letter from the President – April 2022

Birth. Death. Celebration. Remembrance. Anniversary.

It may not come as a surprise, but in the dictionary, the word anniversary translates to “the date on which an event took place in a previous year.” Of course, that’s true, but in my opinion, it’s an awfully dry explanation for a much more powerful meaning.

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Letter from the President – March 2022

“The person who starts the race is not the same person who finishes the race.” Have you ever done a marathon? I’ve only ever run a half marathon in my life, but since they wrapped me in the “tin foil blanket” at the finish line, it totally counts in my mind. So for those who have run a marathon (or some version of it), you can probably recount the number of hours of dedication and training that you put in before the race.

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